Critique: Alarm Clock Designs

Photo of terrible GE alarm clock UI

Tim and Tom are joined by guest Larry Rusinski for a critique of alarm clock designs. As always, how a product meets each user’s habits, needs, and wants determines whether a design is successful. Tim, Tom, and Larry haven’t had much luck with bedside alarm clocks, including models from Panasonic, GE, and Sony that they have owned for years and years. But they do have some fun discussions on what makes a good alarm clock design.

CONGRATULATIONS to Larry and his bride, Marci, who were married a month after this episode was recorded. Tim and Tom wish them many healthy years of marital bliss surrounded by well-designed wedding gifts.

NOTE: The GE model is the subject of this episode’s artwork. Also, Tim accidentally threw out the articles discussed in this episode during a frenzy of autumn cleaning and thus cannot provide article links in these show notes.

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